Final Group Task (FGT) : GTO Tests (SSB Interview)

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Final Group Task (FGT) the last task of Day 4 as well as GTO Tests during SSB Interview. This task is designed to ease out two days of hard work. This task will have normal 6-10 as during PGT that is 6-10. 

How it is Conducted?

  • First of all the GTO will brief the group about the task.
  • Then your group will be given a task which consists of only one obstacle.
  • All the rules are applicable except the group rules.
  • Total time assigned to complete the task will be 10 minutes only.

Points to Remember for the FGT

  1. Continue to work hard.
  2. Do not show that you are tired.
  3. Continue to give workable ideas.
  4. Help others to carry the helping materials as it is reasonably heavy.
  5. In this task normally after 5 minutes the GTO will place all the candidates to the finish line and one by one ask you for your suggestions.
  6. The GTO will call some of the candidates from the group to demonstrate their ideas. These candidates are likely to be selected.
Also Read: SSB Interview : A Detailed Procedure